Sources |
- [S123] United States Federal Census, 1930 US Census, (Name: National Archives and Records Administration; Location: Washington, DC;), 1930 US Census William Bordeau.
Name: Wm Bordeau
Birth Year: abt 1880
Gender: Male
Race: White
Birthplace: New York
Marital Status: Married
Relation to Head of House: Head
Home in 1930: Plattsburgh, Clinton, New York, USA
Map of Home: View Map
Street address: MT Calm Ave
Ward of City: 4 part of
House Number: 32
Dwelling Number: 167
Family Number: 193
Home Owned or Rented: Rented
Home Value: 20.00
Radio Set: No
Lives on Farm: No
Age at First Marriage: 19
Attended School: No
Able to Read and Write: Yes
Father's Birthplace: New York
Mother's Birthplace: New York
Occupation: Machanist
Industry: Machine Shop
Class of Worker: Wage or salary worker
Employment: Yes
Household Members:
Name Age
Wm Bordeau 50
Bordeau 48
- [S96] Jim Tipton et al., Find A Grave, database and images, (Name: Find A Grave; Location: Provo, Utah;), 1968 Find a Grave Helen Pecott.
Birth: 1881
Death: 1968
Family links:
William Moses Bordeau (1879 - 1942)
Saint Peters Cemetery
Clinton County
New York, USA
Edit Virtual Cemetery info [?]
Created by: Barb Destromp
Record added: Sep 13, 2017
Find A Grave Memorial# 183319020
- [S61], U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014, (Name: Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date:2011;;), 1968 SSDI Helen Pecott Bordeau.
Name Helen Bordeau
SSN 056-20-5720
Last Residence Plattsburgh, 12901, Clinton, New York, USA
Born 19 Aug 1881
Died Dec 1968
State (Year) SSN issued New York - Before 1951
- [S179] 1925 State Population Census Schedules, 1925 New York State Census, (Name: New York State Archives; Location: Albany, New York;), 1925 NY Census William M Bourdeau.
Name: William M Bourdeau
Birth Date: abt 1880
Birth Place: United States
Age: 45
Gender: Male
Residence Place: Plattsburgh Ward 05, Clinton
Relationship: Head
Color or Race: White
Assembly District: 01
House Number: 51
Line Number: 45
Page Number: 8
Household Members:
Name Age
William M Bourdeau 45
Helen Bourdeau 43
Grace Bourdeau 15
Vilole Bourdeau 11
- 1900 US Census Edward Bourdo.
Name: Edward Bourdo
Age: 41
Birth Date: Apr 1859
Birthplace: New York
Home in 1900: Plattsburg, Clinton, New York
Ward of City: 415
Sheet Number: 9B
Number of Dwelling in Order of Visitation: 181
Family Number: 191
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Head
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Louisa Bourdo
Marriage Year: 1880
Years Married: 20
Father's Birthplace: France, Canada
Mother's Birthplace: New York
Occupation: Laborer (Pulp Mill
Months Not Employed: 3
Can Read: No
Can Write: No
Can Speak English: Yes
House Owned or Rented: O
Home Free or Mortgaged: F
Farm or House: H
Household Members:
Name Age
Louisa Bourdo 44; b: Apr 1856; married 20y; 5 children all living
Edward Bourdo 41; b: Apr 1859; work in pulp mill
William Bourdo 20; b:June 1879; married 1y; works in pulp mill
Elen Bourdo 18; b: Aug 1881; daughter-in-law
Mary Bourdo 10; b: Jan 1890
Eddie Bourdo 5; b: Aug 1894; twin
Andrew Bourdo 5; b Aug 1894; twin
George Bourdo 3; b: Feb 1897
Wilfred Bourdo 6/12; b: Nov 1899
Napoleon Bourdeau Family lives next door
He is 32 (Dec 1867) Married to wife Evelyn for 10 years, with two children
- [S122], 1920 US Census, (Name: Name: Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA;Date:2010;;;), 1920 US Census William Bourdeau.
12 Jan 1920
Name: William M Bourdeau
Age: 40
Birth Year: abt 1880
Birthplace: New York
Home in 1920: Plattsburg Ward 5, Clinton, New York
Street: Normal Ave
House Number: 51
Residence Date: 1920
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Head
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Helen Bourdeau
Father's Birthplace: New York
Mother's Birthplace: New York
Able to Speak English: Yes
Occupation: Machinist
Industry: Shop
Employment Field: Wage or Salary
Home Owned or Rented: Rent
Able to Read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members:
Name Age
William M Bourdeau 40
Helen Bourdeau 38
Helen F Bourdeau 18
Ruth B Bourdeau 16
Joseph R Bourdeau 13
Grace L Bourdeau 9
- [S46], New York, State Census, 1892, (Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2012;), 1892 NY Census Joseph Pecott.
Joseph Pecott Male 62 Canada 1830
Angeline Pecott Female 53 United States 1839
Joseph Pecott Male 35 United States 1857
Andrew Pecott Male 22 United States 1870
Ellen Pecott Female 10 United States 1882
- [S114], 1940 United States Federal Census, (Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2012;), 1940 US Census William M Bordeau.
April 1940
Name: William M Bordeau
Age: 60
Estimated birth year: abt 1880
Gender: Male
Race: White
Birthplace: New York
Marital Status: Married
Relation to Head of House: Head
Home in 1940: Plattsburgh, Clinton, New York
Map of Home in 1940: View Map
Farm: No
Inferred Residence in 1935: Plattsburgh, Clinton, New York
Residence in 1935: Same Place
Sheet Number: 4B
Number of Household in Order of Visitation: 85
Occupation: Machine Operator
House Owned or Rented: Rented
Value of Home or Monthly Rental if Rented: 15
Attended School or College: No
Highest Grade Completed: Elementary school, 6th grade
Hours Worked Week Prior to Census: 51
Class of Worker: Wage or salary worker in private work
Weeks Worked in 1939: 52
Income: 1500
Income Other Sources: No
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members:
Name Age
William M Bordeau 60; 6 years of school; Machine operator at papermill; Income $1500
Helen Bordeau 58; 8 years of school
Bernedette Bordeau ; granddaughter; 12; 6 years of school
- [S116] Records of the Bureau of the Census, 1910 US Census, (Name: National Archives; Location: Washington, D.C; Date: Washington, D.C.;), 1910 US Census William Bordeau.
23 Apr 1910
Name: Willam Bordeau
[William Bordeau]
Age in 1910: 31
Birth Year: abt 1879
Birthplace: New York
Home in 1910: Plattsburg Ward 6, Clinton, New York
Street: Main Mill Street
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Head
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Helen Bordeau
Father's Birthplace: New York
Mother's Birthplace: New York
Native Tongue: English
Occupation: Laborer
Industry: Automobile Shop
Employer, Employee or Other: Wage Earner
Home Owned or Rented: Rent
Farm or House: House
Able to Read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes
Years Married: 11
Out of Work: N
Number of weeks out of work: 0
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members:
Name Age
Willam Bordeau 31
Helen Bordeau 28
Wilfred Bordeau 10
Helen Bordeau 8
Burnedette Bordeau 6
Joseph R Bordeau 4
Grace Bordeau 0
- [S105] Benoit Pontbriand, Clinton County Marriages (1830-1880) - No 106, (Name: Benoit Pontbriand; Location: 2390, Marie-Victorin Sillery, Quebec, Canada G1T 1K1; Date: 1984;), 1855 Marriage Picotte Miller.
The Marriages of Clinton County (1830-1880) compiled by Benoit Pontbriand 1984
-- p197 and p225 --
St-Pierre - Plattsburgh, NY
Angèle Miller, minor daughter of Joseph Miller and Angèle Bord
Joseph Picotte the son of Pierre Picotte and Ursule Querry (St-Rémi)